5 comments Tuesday, February 26, 2008

We are inexperienced, ignorant, and otherwise probably unqualified, but we'll do our best. Most of the motivation here is to keep in better touch with all of our loved ones wherever they might be (amen), and to keep said loved ones updated on the ever-changing life of The Dellie. We are inexperienced, ignorant, and otherwise probably unqualified, but we'll do our best. Most of the motivation here is to keep in better touch with all of our loved ones wherever they might be (amen), and to keep said loved ones updated on the ever-changing life of The Dellie.

So for posting number one, we have entered a picture of 'ellie's growing belly. Everything continues to go unbelievably smoothly throughout this whole ordeal, for which we are very thankful.

If you have any funny quips, advice, clever wittisisms, or other various and sundry opinions about pregnancy, we are certainly open to those. Whether or not we heed is an entirely different issue, but we promise to listen. We're very new and depending on the "wise" cousel of others.

It's still undetermined how frequently this will be updated. If we told you daily, or at least tri-weekly, as is the plan, we might be lying. Or not. It's kinda hard to say. Please check back regularly though, because things change very fast around here.

The long-term agenda is to achieve blogging proficiency over the subsequent months so that when the enormous bulge in the photograph miraculously becomes an independent (in some ways) entity, we will possess the ability to post daily pictures for those who care to track the growth of said entity.

To the lay person, we're going to post baby pictures!